

I want to talk about you About your eyes, lost in a question which has no answers. I want to talk about you, about your ungifted smile. I want to talk about you and about your unspoken love, becouse emotions makes pain and wounds to turn on. I want to talk about you, and about the blue of your eyes where suffering loosens and flyies like the fog in the morning. I want to talk about you And I’d like to be guardian of your secret. The secret that keeps your soul bated. I’d like to be its guardian And gift it to you anytime suffering becoms too much I’m here. You just have to turn back. Take my hands You will find the lost colours, the music you’ve never played the words you’ve never told The dances you’ve never danced. Take my hands, You will understand that the answer is in your eyes, in the sweetness of your smile, in your hand which with a breath gathers the rainboow from mine. I will keep your secret in the deepness of my soul, and I’ll gift it to you any ti

voglio raccontare di te

Voglio raccontare di te, dei tuoi occhi persi in una domanda senza risposte. Voglio raccontare di te, del tuo sorriso non regalato. Voglio raccontare di te del tuo amore non rivelato, perché l’emozione riapre i dolori e le ferite. Voglio raccontare di te e dell’azzurro dei tuoi occhi in cui si scioglie la sofferenza, e vola come la nebbia al mattino. Voglio raccontare di te, e vorrei essere il custode del tuo segreto. Quel segreto che tiene in sospeso l’anima, vorrei essere il suo custode E donartelo ogni volta che la sofferenza diventa troppo grande. Sono qui. Non devi far altro che voltarti Prendere le mie mani Troverai i colori che si sono persi, la musica che non ha suonato le parole non dette, le danze mai ballate. Prendi le mie mani Capirai che la tua risposta è nella luce dei tuoi occhi, nella dolcezza del tuo sorriso, nella tua mano che in un soffio raccoglie l’arcobaleno dalla mia. Nel profondo della mia anima custodirò il tuo segreto, e te lo donerò o

Thank you

Thank you to the fairies and the spirits, who come to me everynight Thank you to the animals who run in the forest under the rainbow Thank you to the people of the wood who gives me the smile Thank you to the trees, who give me love We are so precious and important that Life put in our hands The choice. We are the changement, we can make the changement Loving, and opening our hearts in every second of our day

I only have my smile...

I only have my smile to gift, And a drop of colour to light the soul. Only a drop of colour and make it sweetly slide on the face Of who is looking into my eyes I only have my smile to gift. And my hands hold out to help the breath going into the dream where the stars are wrapping and raising us up To let us come back Graceful, Ready to face every day the new day

Io ho solo il mio sorriso

Ho solo il mio sorriso da poter donare e una goccia di colore per illuminare l’anima Da lasciare scivolare dolcemente sul viso Di chi mi guarda negli occhi Ho solo il mio sorriso da poter donare E la mano tesa a ad accompagnare il respiro In quell’attimo di sogno Dove le stelle ci avvolgono E innalzano Per farci tornare Leggiadri pronti ad affrontare ogni giorno il nuovo gior


All the fairies are dacing and singing I'm following them..... see everybody in the morning..


I'd like to be the drum which booms in the air I'd like to be the of the violin string vibrating towards the sky I'd like to be the cord of the harp gently pronouncing the names of the fairies I'd like to be the flute which carries all the breaths to the stars I'd like to be all the notes of the music to make all the souls dancing during the night touching the stars flying in the wind smiling at the miracle of Life