
Visualizzazione dei post da agosto, 2012


La luce svanisce, lentamente Gli uccelli volano sopra la mia testa Colori degli ultimi giorni d’estate. Dolcezza della sera. Tutto prende le distanze Come in una bolla di sapone. La spiaggia, il mare, le ode. La mia anima è seduta su uno scoglio. Qualcuno da qualche parte sta suonando un piano e le note arrivano, una ad una come gocce sulla sabbia, Stanno suonando la loro musica La musica del mare la musica delle fate La musica dei delfini. La mia anima è sempre sullo scoglio. Sorride. Il cielo sta diventando rosso-arancione Da qualche parte è ancora rosa. Mi guardo intorno, ci sono dei piccoli granchi Che escono dalla sabbia. La mia anima dallo scoglio mi guarda guardandomi negli occhi mi chiede di lasciarla andare, solo per un attimo – per favore - sorrido, se ne sta già andando… e, per un attimo, Lei è là, saltano e nuotando con I delfini laggiù, dove il sole entra nel mare Giù nelle profondità dove ci sono le meduse e le ondine, giocando con la loro luc

On the shore

Light is fading, slowly Birds flying over my head. Colours of the last days of summer. Sweetness of the evening. Everything is going in the distance As in a bubble soap. The shore, the sea, the waves. My soul sits on a rock. Somewhere someone is playing a piano, And notes come, one by one Like drops on the sand, They’re playing their own music. The music of the sea The music of the fairies The music of the dolphins. My soul is always on the rock, Smiling. The sky is coming red-orange Somewhere is still pink. I look around there are few little crabs coming out from the sand. My soul from the rock looks at me looking in my eyes she asks me to let her go, just for a little moment – please - I smile, she’s already going… And, for a while, She’s there jumping and swimming with the dolphins There, where the sun enters the sea Down deep where the jellyfishes and the nixies are Playing with their light, Playing with the colours of the sun Becoming herself a drop


The big shape of the moon is in the middle of the sky, There are no stars. She stands alone blinking at me, who am staring at her from my balcony. She’s shining deeply inside reminding me last night where people from different countries met to sing together. It was a strange night. An Italian chorus, met a Brazilian one, which was leading a group of young Portuguese singers…, and some African musicians… They met just for one night to sing together… And after a few moments the magic came, everybody was guided from the rhythm of the African drums and there were no more differences, not even in the music. The “AMEN” which raised from the voices the drums, the chords, was a great chant An invocation which moved from the deep of the earth, going straight to heaven. Every tree, every person, every hand, every hair, every soul was just part of that gorgeous sound which had no words but just the roar of the life coming from the center of the earth and rushing towards the deep middle